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 How Boeing makes Plane in the largest building in the World
Air travel at the present time is maybe finest described as dull. it's achievable to make it all the way transversely the nation without even knowing what kind of airplane you're on. But airplanes are motionless these massive, supernatural equipment that allow nation to fly, and one of the most excellent places to search out in lay a hand on with the whole thing that goes into manufacture such things achievable is Boeing's amazingly large invention plant in Everett, Washington.
The Boeing Everett Factory is where 747s, 767s, 777s and the new 787 Dream liners are all put together. Airplanes are huge, and Boeing is structure a lot of them all at once, so the company requirements a huge building to get it all completed in. In fact, "huge" doesn't even begin to cover the volume of this place...more..

                      ATC Management & Advancement

ATC Management in Pakistan

For centuries, man has dreamed to soar with the birds. In history first time On December 17, 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright capped four years of research and design efforts with a 120-foot, 12-second flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina - the first powered flight in a heavier-than-air machine. Prior to that, people had flown only in balloons and gliders.
After this, the first person to fly as a passenger was Leon Delagrange, who rode with French pilot Henri Farman from a meadow outside of Paris in 1908. Charles Furnas became the first American airplane passenger when he flew with Orville Wright at Kitty Hawk later that year. In 1914, Jan. 1the first scheduled air service began in Florida. Glenn Curtiss had designed a plane that could take off and land on water. After operating two flights a day for four months and carrying 1,205 passengers, the company folded with the end of the winter tourist season.
By the end of the first decade of powered flight, people began to realize that aircraft, like automobiles, would crash into each other unless some means was developed to control and direct them. At first, because aircraft could not fly very high, such control was accomplished using simple hand signals. Later, control was exercised through radio communication. This is the time when a number of aircraft on sky but need to control and aware them each other. At this time, an American Archie League worked on position under the protective cover of an umbrella at Lambert Field in Saint Louis. At this time no radios but League Waved flags to communicate with pilots. In 1920s League was make a first air traffic controller. With the development of commercial air services in the 1930s came the need for a supporting ground organization.
By the end of World War II, the invention of radar permitted visually displayed tracking of several aircraft at once. When coupled with radio communication, radar made it possible for the pilot to be warned when he was in danger of colliding with another aircraft or when he was off course. In 1956, two aircraft crashed over the Grand Canyon while one was climbing and the other descending. The resulting public Cries functional the development of the modern radar-based air traffic control system.
Once upon a time, controllers monitored aircraft using miniature “shrimp boats” and an aeronautical chart. Technology has changed the industry considerably. But today hundreds of  airplanes and helicopters take off and land all over the world. Their movements are closely controlled in order to prevent accidents. Air traffic controllers direct the movement of aircraft into and out of airfields. They track aircraft by radar and give voice instructions by radio.
Instead of previous day Air-Traffic Controllers usually work in clean, comfortable areas. Those assigned to control towers work in elevated rooms surrounded by glass from which they have a clear view of the sky and airport area. Most control towers are easily accessible, but some must be reached by climbing steep stairs. Controllers at most airports perform duties in both the control tower and the radar room. Those assigned to control centers work in large, windowless buildings in rooms that are darkened so they can effectively monitor radarscopes. Airplane Dispatchers work in air-conditioned, well lighted, and clean dispatch stations inside passenger terminals. Air-Traffic Controllers often work under great pressure and may feel the effects of mental strain.
Today Air traffic control involves monitoring the movements of all aircraft, both in the air and on the ground, in the vicinity of an airport. Its main purpose is to keep aircraft safely separated to prevent accidents. Air traffic control is needed so that the risk of collision becomes extremely low. This can be achieved only by strictly following procedures that are set out and monitored by air traffic controllers, individuals who direct air traffic within assigned airspace and control moving aircraft and service vehicles at airports.
With the passage of time ATC ficilitate with all the required equipment and procedures,aircraft save from crashes. But latter after a few years some incidents occurs, not due to equipments but due to man carelessness or mistake. So this time a ATC system management think occurs. After this a work on ATC management. So after this a proper management system design. According to this management  in flight, an aircraft follows en route air traffic control instructions as it flies through successive flight information regions. When it approaches an airport for landing, the aircraft enters the terminal control area where it is monitored by controllers using radar and who constantly tell pilots how to navigate within the area. Controllers also monitor the aircraft all the way to the ground and tell the pilot how to maneuver on the ground to avoid collisions on the ground of the airfield and how to reach its final location where passengers can disembark. Departing aircraft go through a reverse procedure. Overall, the degree of control depends greatly on the weather conditions. In general, the better the weather, then the less the control. Today aviation reach on peak point and all advancement exit but need a management.
In this research I discuss about what is and functions of ATC? How control the airplane on ground and in air? Why and how manage the traffic of aircraft? Why need a ATC management, ATC safety and advancement in system. This article helpful for ATC instructors, ATC specialist ,Pilots, ATC students and   those who wants to know about ATC system. This research helpful in understanding The ATC system, management in this system and advancement in this system.

Air Traffic Controller, is a person who provided services by ground based controllers who direct aircraft on the ground and in the air. The primary purpose of ATC systems worldwide is to separate aircraft to prevent collisions, to organize and expedite the flow of traffic, and to provide information and other support for pilots when able. In some countries, ATC may also play a security or defense role, or be run entirely by the military.
Purpose of ATC
The basic purpose of ATC is to provide.
  • ·  Provide separation between two or more aircrafts.
  • ·  Mange the flow of traffic on ground and in the air
  • ·  Provide required information during fleet and on the ground.
  • ·  Facilitate the pilot during enroute in air.
  • ·  Providing advice and information useful for the safe and efficient conduct of flights.
  • · The purpose of ATC to keep the air traffic under control and avoid any accidents. Still due to human carelessness accidents occur.
  • ·Notifying appropriate organizations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and assisting such organizations as required.
  • ·ATC can provide additional services such as providing information to pilots, weather and navigation information and NOTAMs.
  • The major purpose of Air Traffic Control systems all over the world is to separate the aircrafts to prevent their collision, to organize the flow of traffic and to provide support and information to pilots. Actually ATC is a service provided by ground based controllers to channelize expeditious and smooth flow of air traffic.


The primary mandate of air traffic control is to ensure the safe transport of people and cargo by keeping aircraft at a safe distance from each other and expediting the flow of traffic. Air traffic controllers have access to sophisticated radar systems that provide an overview of the airspace they control, and they have communication tools to coordinate flight paths with the air crew. Pilots lack the tools necessary to get an overview of the airspace, so they have to rely on air traffic controllers to guide the aircraft through congested airspace.
Since aircraft travel at significantly higher speeds compared to other common modes of transport, the time available for pilots to react to a dangerous situation can be quite short. Thus it's essential that flight paths are carefully planned and managed to minimize the risk of a collision. This is especially true around major airports where the density of aircraft in a given volume of airspace is higher than in these aspects ATC save your airplane.
What Do ATC?
Air traffic controllers perform some of the following duties:
  • · To relay the weather reports ,airfield conditions, and safety information to Pilots.
  • · To Use radar equipment to track aircraft in air.
  • · Plot airplane locations on charts and maps.
  • ·To provide required information and facilitate during flight.
  • · Maintain air traffic control records and communication logs
  • · Operate the radio equipment to issue take-off, flight, and landing instructions to pilots.
  • · Compute speed, direction, and altitude of aircraft.

How Air Traffic Control Works?

During the top air travel, time a number of airplanes in the sky every hour. How do these aircraft keep from colliding with each other? How does air traffic move into and out of an airport or across the country?
The task of ensuring safe operations of commercial and private aircraft falls on air traffic controllers. They must coordinate the movements of thousands of aircraft; keep them at ­safe distances from each other.  Direct them during takeoff and landing from airports, direct them around bad weather and ensure that traffic flows smoothly with minimal delays.
When we think about air traffic control, the image of men and women in the tower of an airport probably comes to mind. However, the air traffic control system is much more complex than that. In this article, I will examine air traffic control in all over the world. We will follow a flight from departure to arrival, looking at the various controllers involved, what each one does, the equipment they use and how they are trained.
The method of control the air traffic in all over the world approximately same. Every country has follows this
According to this rule, the every country has divided into different zones (centers) and each zone is divided into different sectors. Each zone are portions of airspace called a TRACON(about 50 miles in diameter)  (terminal Radar Approach Control) airspaces. Each TRACON airspace are a number of airports, each of which has own airspace with a 5-mile radius.
Air Traffic Management
The air traffic control system that is run has been designed around these airspace divisions .The air traffic control system divisions are.

Air Traffic Control System Command Center (ATCSCC)
The ATCSCC oversees all air traffic control. It also manages air traffic control within centers where there are problems (bad weather, traffic overloads, inoperative runways).

Air route traffic control centers (ARTCC)
There is one ARTCC for each center. Each ARTCC manages traffic within all sectors of its center except for TRACON airspace and local-airport airspace.
Terminal radar approach control 
TRACON handles departing and approaching aircraft within its space.

Air traffic control tower (ATCT)
An ATCT is located at every airport that has regularly scheduled flights. Towers handle all takeoff, landing, and ground traffic.

Flight service station (FSS) 
The FSS provides information (weather, route, terrain, flight plan) for private pilots flying into and out of small airports and rural areas. It assists pilots in emergencies and coordinates search-and-rescue operations for missing or overdue aircraft.

Air Traffic Controller System.
Air Traffic management in Pakistan
Pakistan Airspace is divided into 02 FIRs (Flight Information Regions) i.e.
·         LAHORE FIR.
·         KARACHI FIR

Enroute Air Traffic Control
  • KARACHI ACC (Area Control Centre) with 03 ACC Units.
  •  KAR ACC East, KAR ACC West & KAR ACC North

Terminal Air Traffic Control
  • KARACHI APPROACH CONTROL within 50 NM area around Karachi
  • Aerodrome Control Tower of respective locations

Enroute Air Traffic Control
  • LAHORE ACC (Area Control Centre) with 02 ACC Units.
  • LAH ACC East & LAH ACC West.

Terminal Air Traffic Control
  • LAHORE APPROACH CONTROL within 35 NM area around Lahore
  • ISLAMABAD RADAR APPROACH within 25 NM around Islamabad whereas some portion is controlled by CHERAT APPROACH jointly by PAF & CAA
  • Multan Tower/Approach within Terminal Control Area (Multan, Bahawalpur & D.G.Khan Airports falling therein)


                                             Lahore                                                       Karachi
La ACC East            LA ACC West          Kc ACC East                Kc ACC West   Kc ACC North

La Approach 35nm                                                                       KC approach 50nm
                                        Islamabad approach 25 nm
The movement of aircraft through the various airspace divisions is much like players moving through a "zone" defense that a basketball or football team might use. As an aircraft travels through a given airspace division, it is monitored by the one or more air traffic controllers responsible for that division. The controllers monitor this plane and give instructions to the pilot. As the plane leaves that airspace division and enters another, the air traffic controller passes it off to the controllers responsible for the new airspace division.
Often we use two types of flights.
Visual Flight Rules.
Instrument Flight Rules.
when a pilot Some pilots of aircraft fly by vision only (visual flight rules,). These pilots are not required the file flight plans and, except for FSS and local towers, are not serviced by the mainstream air traffic control system. Pilots of large commercial flights use instruments to fly (instrument flight rules), so they can fly in all sorts of weather. They must file flight plans and are serviced by the mainstream air traffic control system.
When we talk about air traffic kept in mind two major sides one is airport and other in airside. So in these inspects we divide the whole traffic on ground or in air different sectors. The different persons who control these sectors called the controllers. Air traffic controllers are organized into various groups, each of which is in charge of handling a distinct portion of the aircraft's flight. Each group has a designated airspace that it controls, and aircraft are handed off to the next group of controllers as it approaches the limits of the prior group's airspace.
The airspace controlled by each group is further divided into sectors that are themselves handled by individual controllers. The way these groups are organized varies from country to country and depends on the extent of controlled airspace and number of aircraft handled. The tower controllers are the most visible group. From their vantage point on the airport tower, they have a visual overview of all the important parts of the airport tarmac, such as runways and taxiways. Tower controllers monitor the airspace surrounding the airports and keep track of approaching and departing aircraft. At well-equipped airports, they may even have access to surface movement radar systems to monitor aircraft and support vehicles as they move on the ground.
Ground controller 
The ground controller is responsible for all ground traffic, which includes aircraft taxiing from the gates to takeoff runways and from landing runways to the gates. When the ground controller determines that it is safe, he or she directs your pilot to push the plane back from the gate (airline personnel operate the tugs that actually push the aircraft back and direct the plane out of the gate area). As your plane taxis to the runway, the ground controller watches all of the airport's taxiways and uses ground radar to track all of the aircraft (especially useful in bad weather), ensuring that your plane does not cross an active runway or interfere with ground vehicles. The ground controller talks with your pilot by radio and gives him instructions, such as which way to taxi and which runway to go to for takeoff. Once your plane reaches the designated takeoff runway, the ground controller passes the strip to the local controller.

Local controller 
In the tower watches the skies above the airfield and uses surface radar to track aircraft. He or she is responsible for maintaining safe distances between planes as they take off. The local controller gives your pilot final clearance for takeoff when it is deemed safe, and provides the new radio frequency for the departure controller. Once clearance is given, your pilot must decide if it is safe to take off. If it is safe, he accelerates the plane down the runway. As you leave the ground, the local controller hands your plane off electronically to the departure controller at the TRACON facility that services your departure airport, but still monitors the plane until it is 5 miles from the airport. Pilot now talks with the departure controller.

Three phase during flight Departure, En Route and Descent

Once plane takes off, pilot activates a transponder device inside the aircraft. The transponder detects incoming radar signals and broadcasts an amplified, encoded radio signal in the direction of the detected radar wave. The transponder signal provides the controller with your aircraft's flight number, altitude, airspeed and destination. A blip representing the airplane appears on the controller's radar screen with this information beside it. The controller can now follow the plane.

Departure controller 
The departure controller is located in the TRACON facility, which may have several airports within its airspace (50-mile/80-km radius). He or she uses radar to monitor the aircraft and must maintain safe distances between ascending aircraft. The departure controller gives instructions to your pilot (heading, speed, rate of ascent) to follow regular ascent corridors through the TRACON airspace.
The departure controller monitors flight during ascent to the en route portion. When plane leaves TRACON airspace, the departure controller passes airplane off to the center controller (ARTCC controller). Every time airplane gets passed between controllers, an updated flight progress slip gets printed and distributed to the new controller.

Radar associate controller 
The rada associate controller receives the flight-plan information anywhere from five to 30 minutes prior to your plane entering that sector. The associate controller works with the radar controller in charge of that sector.

Radar controller 
The radar controller is in charge of all air-to-ground communication, maintains safe separation of aircraft within the sector and coordinates activities with other sectors and/or centers. The controllers must monitor the airspace at high altitude (above 24,000 ft/7320 m) and low altitude (below 24,000 ft). The center controllers provide your pilot with updated weather and air-traffic information. They also give directions to your pilot regarding such aspects as speed and altitude to maintain a safe separation between aircraft within their sector. They monitor your plane until it leaves their sector. Then they pass it off to another sector's controller.
Radar hand-off controller
The radar hand off controller assists the radar and associate radar controllers during times of heavy traffic, watching the radar screen and helping to maintain smooth air-traffic flow.

 Advancement and technology of air traffic control

The typical image people have of air traffic control (ATC) is that of a group of people in an airport tower who coordinate aircraft activity by staring at radar screens that use points of light to represent aircraft. While not fundamentally incorrect, this is not a fair representation of the extent of ATC operations. This search will flesh out that simplistic image and introduce you to the equipment and technologies that go into keeping aircraft and air travelers safe in the air and on the ground. We'll look at the way air traffic control is organized, and explore the communication technologies that air traffic controllers use to keep in touch with air crew and ground personnel. We'll also look at the radar technologies used to keep track of aircraft, and we'll end with a brief look at some next-generation technologies.

 ATC Radar Systems

Air traffic controllers use radar systems positioned at or near the ATC facility to get a real-time overview of the aircraft flying in the airspace they control. Radar technology for detecting aircraft first became popular during the wars in the first half of the last century and played a vital role in their outcome. First-generation radar systems served as early warning systems; these systems had relatively poor resolution, and their only purpose was to alert their operators to the presence of flying objects in the radar's field of view. These early radars operated by emitting a continuous radio signal and listening for any echoes, but they weren't able to use these echoes to gauge the size of the aircraft, calculate its ground speed or altitude, or determine if the aircraft belonged to an ally or the opposition.
After the war, radar technology was advanced with improved electronics and materials for antenna construction. This allowed for systems that were much more efficient and had higher resolution. The Air Traffic Controllers today are served by many types of radar equipment such as Primary Surveillance Radars, Secondary Surveillance Radars, and Mode S for monitoring traffic in the air, and Surface Movement Radars for traffic on the ground.

ATC Surface Movement Radar

The airfield can be a busy place, with pushback tugs, tractors with baggage containers in tow, refueling trucks, catering trucks, airport security vehicles, and (of course) aircraft. While the PSR and SSR provide controllers with an overview of aircraft in the air, the surface movement radar provides a real-time view of aircraft and support vehicles on the ground at airports. Most modern airports have Ground Control in charge of ensuring that critical patches of the airport tarmac such as active runways and taxiways are safe for moving aircraft. Ground Control can observe all moving vehicles and aircraft on a radar screen overlaid on a map of the airport. As the objects being tracked by an SMR are relatively smaller than those tracked by a PSR or SSR, the radar uses a much shorter wavelength (and correspondingly higher frequency) with a narrow beam for a higher resolution result. Depending on the size of the airport, multiple installations of this sort may be required to cover all the critical parts of the airport. Enhancements to this basic system include having airport support vehicles installed with transponders that can be queried to ascertain location. Similarly, aircraft transponders can be queried to augment the radar display with call signs. Information from the tower radar can also be incorporated to display approaching aircraft. Newer systems can even aurally warn controllers of potential runway incursions and conflicts, so that action can be taken in time to avoid disaster. Such a system is generally called an Airport Movement Area Safety System.
Unfavorable weather conditions such as heavy rain and fog can lead to a reduction in visibility, making it difficult to monitor the tarmac. Runway incursions are a constant danger in such challenging conditions. A runway incursion is described by ICAO  as the incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle, or person on the protected area of a surface designated for the landing and take-off of aircraft. The deadliest accident in aviation history was because of two aircraft colliding with each other on the runway. The incident occurred in heavy fog and at a time when the air traffic controller on duty could not see the two aircraft, nor could the two pilots see each other.

Air-Ground Voice Communication

In the early years of aviation, when there were fewer planes in the sky than we have today and there was not much need for pilots to communicate with ground personnel, signaling were often done using lights and flags? However, with an increase in aircraft, a more efficient and unambiguous two-way communication system became necessary. At the same time, radio technology was progressing, and it became feasible for aircraft to have radio transceivers on board.
Aircraft communication in the early years was over the HF range of the radio spectrum. In the US, each airline company had its own dedicated radio frequency over which company pilots communicated with their operators on the ground. But over time, with an increase in airliner companies and air traffic, this system soon led to a depletion in the available frequencies on the spectrum. The problem was resolved by setting up a common entity that provided air traffic coordination services. This allowed for a better use of the available radio spectrum, as pilots communicated with air traffic personnel over common frequencies. Over time, this system evolved to the air traffic control system we have today.
Modern civil aviation uses the HF (High Frequency) and VHF (Very High Frequency) parts of the spectrum for communication between aircraft and ATC. Military aviation in various countries are also known to operate in UHF. Early air to ground voice communication was over HF, but VHF started to get adopted in the 1930s and 1940s.
Some tools are available in different domains to help the controller further:
Flight Data Processing Systems
 Usually, a Flight Data Processing System manages all the flight plan related data, incorporating in a low or high degree, the information of the track once the correlation between them (flight plan and track) is established. All this information is distributed to modern operational display systems, making it available to controllers.
This is the system (usually one per Center) that processes all the information related to the Flight (the Flight Plan), typically in the time horizon from Gate to gate. It uses such processed information to invoke other Flight Plan related tools and distributes such processed information to all the Air Traffic Controllers, collateral Centers, Airports, etc.
Minimum Safe Altitude Warning 
Minimum safe altitude warring a tool that alerts the controller if an aircraft appears to be flying too low to the ground or will affect terrain based on its current altitude and heading.
System Coordination
 System coordination to enable controller to negotiate the release of flights from one sector to another.
Area Penetration Warning
Area penetration to inform a controller that a flight will penetrate a restricted area.
Arrival and Departure Manager to help sequence the takeoff and landing of aircraft.
The Departure Manager
A system aid for the ATC at airports, that calculates a planned departure flow with the goal to maintain an optimal throughput at the runway, reduce queuing at holding point and distribute the information to various stakeholders at the airport (i.e. the airline, ground handling and Air Traffic Control.
The Arrival Manager
 A system aid for the ATC at airports, that calculates a planned Arrival flow with the goal to maintain an optimal throughput at the runway, reduce arrival queuing and distribute the information to various stakeholders.
Passive Final Approach Spacing Tool
Passive final approach a CTAS tool, provides runway assignment and sequence number advisories to terminal controllers to improve the arrival rate at congested airports. pFAST was deployed and operational at five US TRACONs before being cancelled. NASA research included an Active FAST capability that also provided vector and speed advisories to implement the runway and sequence advisories.
Converging Runway Display Aid
Enables Approach controllers to run two final approaches that intersect and make sure that go around are minimized
Center TRACON Automation System
Centre TRACON automation system is a suite of human centered decision support tools developed by NASA Ames Research Center. Several of the CTAS tools have been field tested and transitioned to the FAA for operational evaluation and use. Some of the CTAS tools are: Traffic Management Advisor, passive Final Approach Spacing Tool, Collaborative Arrival Planning Direct-To (D2), En Route Descent Advisor and Multi Center TMA. The software is running on linux.
Traffic Management Advisor, a CTAS tool, is an en route decision support tool that automates time based metering solutions to provide an upper limit of aircraft to a TRACON from the Center over a set period of time. Schedules are determined that will not exceed the specified arrival rate and controllers use the scheduled times to provide the appropriate delay to arrivals while in the en route domain. This results in an overall reduction in en route delays and also moves the delays to more efficient airspace than occur if holding near the TRACON boundary is required to not overload the TRACON controllers. TMA is operational at most en route air route traffic control centers and continues to be enhanced to address more complex traffic situations (e.g. Adjacent Center Metering and En Route Departure Capability.

In the US, User Request Evaluation Tool takes paper strips out of the equation for En Route controllers at ARTCCs by providing a display that shows all aircraft that are either in or currently routed into the sector.
In Europe, several MTCD tools are available: iFACTS, VAFORIT, New FDPS. The SESAR Programme should soon launch new MTCD concepts.
URET and MTCD provide conflict advisories up to 30 minutes in advance and have a suite of assistance tools that assist in evaluating resolution options and pilot requests.

Mode S
provides a data downlink of flight parameters via Secondary Surveillance Radars allowing radar processing systems and therefore controllers to see various data on a flight, including airframe unique id (24-bits encoded), indicated airspeed and flight director selected level, amongst others.
Future Technologies
The aviation industry has been relatively conservative in its approach to adopting new technologies, so a number of the systems described so far are based on technology that has been around for at least a few decades. This conservatism is primarily attributable to the safety and reliability considerations that must be taken into account when making changes to existing equipment and procedures.
While tried and true systems do provide the required safety, this safety may at times come at the cost of efficiency. Critics of the current air traffic control systems claim that efficiency gains of many percentage points remain to be realized by more intelligent routing in controlled airspace that allows for lower separation distances between aircraft.
Currently, the Federal Aviation Administration in the US is studying the implementation of various next-generation technologies to improve the efficiency of the ATC system while retaining or improving the level of safety. Next Gen will incorporate global positioning satellites, digital communication networks, data networking, and improved weather forecasting to improve efficiency. Of all the technologies being considered, Automatic Dependant Surveillance  is being billed as the future of air traffic control and as the backbone of the Next Gen system.

Automatic Dependant Surveillance—Broadcast

ADS-B is a relatively new technique (compared to use of primary and secondary surveillance radar) to monitor aircraft. The technique uses the global positioning system to provide an accurate report of an aircraft's position. As the name suggests, this is a broadcast technique where an aircraft equipped with an ADS-B transponder routinely broadcasts data. Using similar information from all aircraft, the air traffic controllers can build an accurate picture of aircraft positions. ADS-B is able to provide information not unlike an SSR, but without the requirement for a radar installation or transmissions from a ground station.
The aircraft typically transmits its identity, current position, speed, and direction of travel (among other parameters) over a digital link, twice every second. Due to the broadcast nature of the data, other aircraft in the region can also receive this information and provide their pilots with an overview of the traffic in the neighborhood as well. One of the advantages of the ADS-B system is that the receiver can be relatively simple and inexpensive. Another advantage is that ground vehicles at the airport can use the same system to report their location on the airport tarmac which can be incorporated into the Airport Movement Area Safety System described earlier.
One of the disadvantages of ADS-B is that the system relies on the GPS system for accurate reporting of position information. Loss or degradation of the GPS signal could potentially put lives in danger. This can be mitigated to an extent by alternative sources of positioning information such as the European Galileo project, the Russian GLONASS project or the Chinese Beidou project, when they become fully operational. The other disadvantage is that a malfunctioning or inoperative transponder could render the aircraft invisible, or worse, broadcast false information. This is one reason for the continued use of surveillance radars as backup. Given the relative simplicity and cost-effectiveness of building an ADS-B transponder (compared to surveillance radars) and the open nature of the system, critics fear it is also a security hazard as it would in theory be possible to spoof data to represent aircraft that don't actually exist.

 Listening to ATC and Tracking Aircraft

ATC and pilots communicate over open, well-advertised frequencies. Since VHF communication takes place using frequencies between 118 MHz to 138 MHz, a frequency range not commonly available on general purpose radio receivers, a scanner that can tune into these frequencies is required. It isn't unusual for serious aviation enthusiasts to invest in a good quality scanner to listen to their local air traffic controllers and pilots. Sites such as Live ATC stream ATC broadcasts from various ATC facilities in the world. One must, however, exercise caution and check local laws first, as listening to ATC is illegal in certain jurisdictions. HF communications also occur over open, well-advertised frequencies and, unlike VHF, general purpose shortwave radios often have the frequency range to tune into oceanic ATC. Due to the nature of HF propagation, it may be possible to listen to controllers thousands of miles away, but the reception quality will vary.
Controller Pilot Data Link Communications 
Allows digital messages to be sent between controllers and pilots, avoiding the need to use radiotelephony. It is especially useful in areas where difficult-to-use HF radiotelephony was previously used for communication with aircraft, e.g. oceans. This is currently in use in various parts of the world including the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast — provides a data downlink of various flight parameters to air traffic control systems via the Transponder (1090 MHz) and reception of those data by other aircraft in the vicinity. The most important is the aircraft's latitude, longitude and level: such data can be utilized to create a radar-like display of aircraft for controllers and thus allows a form of pseudo-radar control to be done in areas where the installation of radar is either prohibitive on the grounds of low traffic levels, or technically not feasible (e.g. oceans). This is currently in use in Australia, Canada and parts of the Pacific Ocean and Alaska.

The Electronic Flight Strip system
A system of electronic flight strips replacing the old paper strips is being used by several Service Providers, such as NAV CANADA, MASUAC, DFS, being produced by several industries, such as Indra Sistemas, Thales Group, Frequentis, Avibit, SAAB etc. E-strips allows controllers to manage electronic flight data online without Paper Strips, reducing the need for manual functions.
Screen Content Recording
Hardware or software based recording function which is part of most modern Automation System and that captures the screen content shown to of the ATCO. Such recordings are used for a later replay together with audio recording for investigations and post event analysis.
Communication Navigation Surveillance / Air Traffic Management
 CNS/ATM systems are communications, navigation, and surveillance systems, employing digital technologies, including satellite systems together with various levels of automation, applied in support of a seamless global air traffic management system.


Problems Of Air Traffic Controller

Air travel has increased dramatically since the the airline industry. However, the construction of new airports and runways has not kept pace with the increase in air traffic. This has put excessive pressure on the air traffic control system to handle the nearly number of flights per day, a number projected to increase in the near future. To handle these flights and avoid delays and collisions, the aviation authority have developed modern software, upgraded existing host computers and voice communications systems and instituted full-scale GPS (global positioning system) capabilities to help air traffic controllers track and communicate with aircraft. These efforts should help ease traffic and minimize delays in the short term; however, increasing airport capacity by building new runways and airports is ultimately the way to handle the problem.

ATC is a backbone on any country or airport in battle of aviation. This is actual aviation has peak point today, ATC most advanced and well equipped but need improve ATC management and safety.
Some important things for readers.
·         ATC need a management trainings for well performance.
·         Its true ATC has most advanced but need a those equipment who check per second performance and aware them every collisions before collions.
·         To introduce the special courses as the name ATC Management and safety for Air traffic controller.
·         Develop a standardized “advanced” training course controllers are required to take before they are sent to their permanent field facility to ensure that every controller arrives with the same set of skills.
·         Establish a yearly refresher-training course for senior controllers who serve as field instructors for new controllers.
·         Create mobile simulator labs to ensure that controllers in smaller facilities have equal access to simulator training technology.
Much more could be discussed in even a superficial review of ATC , but we trust that the reader who does not possess a firm grip of the theoretical constructs of the subject will delve into some of the resources currently available, including ATC Management Systems in Aviation. Indeed, volumes could be written about some of these topics, including culture, management, working procedures,Methods, Technology and Advancement others.
First of all me stressed that  understanding the ATC system  as  the  underpinning  of  management.  In  this  research on  implementation, would like to encourage the reader who is or will be involved in.
ATC management implementation to become very comfortable with the tenets of  ATM management. Having study this research for some time, and having discussed ATCM implementation with those who have done it and now appreciate its complexity, I conclude that ATC employing a sound  ATM management approach is essential to a successful implementation. Neither the brief discussion above nor the slightly more detailed discussion in this research will provide adequate preparation for those who do not already possess the requisite skills.

8.    FAA ATC